Friday, January 1, 2016

Following the rest of the skeletons wherever they may lead

coordination of a series of parades
in an old city
on the outskirts
multiple processions
I am figuring out
the logistics
for the parade of the dead
leading skeletons
out of their graves
to march in unison
into the city
other parades are entering
the city from all sides
we will all meet in the center
at the graveyard
many skeletons are already above ground
I get them to help me
dig the others up
they are like mules
beast of burden
with no mind of their own
and inclined to stubbornness
it is frustrating to get them to pay attention
they still believe they have flesh
and a will of their own
but there is no will
no brain
no self
only a ghost of self
haunting their bones
in the end
they do what they are told
the rest of the skeletons
wherever they may lead