Friday, January 25, 2019

A freakish figure in a wheelchair rolls by the table

an old Bellingham friend
AH is at Temple Bar
I am sitting at a table
by myself
and she stops by to say hello
but it is awkward
she appears much older
more emaciated and weakened
than when I last saw her
I am concerned
about her appearance
but say nothing
another friend and co-worker
KVS comes up to me
and accuses me of a crime
I cannot remember
sitting at a nearby table
I see an older friend from Austin
he is working on a laptop
writing code
he is happy to see me
and is excited about his work
while all of this is going on
a freakish figure
in a wheelchair
rolls by the table
PXN sees him
but ignores him
he goes away
but returns again soon
he looks like the figure of Death
from a Holbien woodcut
David Lee Roth
is sitting in the corner
with a hat and sunglasses
trying to be incognito
the Temple Bar
is more like Ruby's now

there is a shift
and I driving with TW
a friend from up here in Maine
we park on a fire station parking lot
his truck is full of houseplants
we go away
and when we return
a fireman is writing a ticket
says we can't ever park
in the fire station lot
TW tries to talk him out of it

another shift
I am with ASF and his son
there is a man
who has these complex
hard chocolate toys
they are for dogs
he makes them by
pooping them out
he is surprised
that no one
wants to touch his toys
and that his dog
does not want to eat them