Friday, January 11, 2019

I realize I can see love inside of his eyes now

in Austin
on campus
hot white summer day
walking around the buildings
the run along MLK
there is a house
a rental house
that Jerry is staying in
I go in through the back door
I am quiet
not sure if Jerry is home
I realize he is sleeping
I know that Aanya and Cricket
old dogs from my childhood
long dead
are there
and he is taking care of them
I know he has been gone
for a long time
and I wonder
how the dogs are doing
I can hear him
sleeping in the bedroom
the door is partly open
suddenly Aanya comes running up
and is excited to see me
I never really liked the dog
and felt bad about that
I am surprised at
how happy I am to see Aanya
I wonder about the cataracts
Aanya was nearly blind
and see her eyes
are like clear black marbles
with no fogginess at all
and I am so happy for him
as I am petting him
and laughing
I realize I can see love
inside of his eyes now